Okay I am a couple of days late with this but boy did June ever get away from me! June’s Orange Glad box was a bit of a mixed bag for me. There were a couple of things that I really wasn’t crazy about but my mother loved.
A Cracked Soul
That is how my soul has felt for so long. Like it has cracked right into. The funny thing is that I made the decision to sort of bury hope and everything away. I did that to help free myself of the hurt. It was easier to push it all down and not think about…
A Reverse Mortgage
I have heard the term reverse mortgage a lot, in fact a year or so ago my aunt actually thought about getting one. That was when I first began trying to understand more about what it was and how it works. Recently I discovered a website that really tells me everything I need to know…
Organize with In a Pikle
How many bags do you take? In my purse there are several smaller bag that have thing like bandaids, hand gel, and other items. Most of the time I end up searching for them. In A Pikle has eliminated the need for the searching and the million bags.
Chewbeads: Mom’s Accessory for Baby
When you have a baby you learn right away not to wear necklaces. Baby tends to grab them, pull on them, or worse chew in them. Chewbeads is a company that has the perfect solution for that; a chewable jewelry.
Prayer and Our Daily Lives
What are prayers? Well to pray means to convey a request to God.Those who believe that there is no God may still pray to the higher power or whomever it is they believe in. But to say that there is no God, makes us feel very lonely at times. At times of crisis, who will…
Spanish Word of the Week: Pick Up
This week’s word is recoger reh-koh-hehr’ (verb) which means to pick up. This is a word that you will say a lot to your kids!
Mary and Martha: Serving Christ in Different Ways
Mary and Martha were sisters, but most importantly they were known for being followers of Christ and the sisters of Lazarus, whom Jesus raised from the dead. The story of these two women can be found in Matthew 26:6-13, Mark 14:3-9, Luke 10:38-42, and John 11:17-45 and 12:1-11. Although Mary and Martha were sisters, they…
Weekly Thanks and Prayer Requests {6/29/14}
I haven’t posted these in a while and I thought this Sunday would be the best day to go ahead and do it again. I have so many prayers that I honestly don’t know where to begin. So I ask that you all say a little pray to help me find my faith again. It…
Avoiding All Those Summer Bugs
I don’t know about all of you but it is HOT here in the South and there are bugs all over the place. I swear when I go outside I can hear them saying “OMG it’s a buffet!” They have to be saying things like that because they make a beeline for me. I was…