This is where I would love to be today!
Wordless Wednesday {7/16/14}
Netwars –The Butterfly Attack Episode 1
I have another great new app to tell you about. Actually this is the first app in a three app series which coincides with a web series,television documentary, and a collection of eBook and audiobooks that make up the Netwars Project. Cool, right? Netwars – The Butterfly Attack Episode 1. This app is available in…
The Safeguards Before Choosing The Baby Cot & Mattress
It is a joy to buy the baby cot, for your young one. You would set to buy the best one, which procures ample of safety as well as gives delight to the baby. They might be used for months or years, but they should become a safe place for your baby, to play and…
Exclusive Huggies® at Costco!
Disclosure:This is part of a sponsored collaboration with Mamiverse. However all opinions are 100% my own. You read that correctly I said Exclusive Huggies® at Costco! Doesn’t that just sound like something you want to know more about? Well I was lucky enough to get to try out a couple of Huggies® products, or I should the twins…
A Single Strand
Many of you remember the story of Rahab in the bible. She is found in Joshua 2 and she helped Joshua and his people in Jericho. She put a red cord in her window to let the Jews know that it was her house and they would protect her and her family. She had to…
How to Work With Fresh Chilies
Chilies are a part of traditional Mexican cuisine. They come in a variety of shapes, colors, sizes and of course heat levels. The habanero pepper is one of the hottest peppers you’re ever likely to cook with. It’s hotter than a serrano or a jalapeno. But regardless of the heat level of any particular pepper,…
Lady Like with Vanity Fair Lingerie
Today seems to be the day for lingerie reviews! Vanity Fair Lingerie is actually a fabulous new brand that I recently discovered. I really didn’t know much about them prior to working with them but I am always on the lookout for great lingerie products. Vanity Fair Lingerie is one of America’s first lingerie brands which…
Pretty and Functional from Curvation
When you are big busted you tend to go through bras they way some people go through trash bags. I forever wearing out the elastic in bras. So when I read about Curvation I was very interested. Curvation is designed for plus sized women and I cannot tell you how thankful I am that they…
Trendy Yoga Clothing from Onzie
I do a little yoga and it is a great stress reliever. However I love yoga clothing because it allows me the flexible that a lot of workout clothing does not. When I stumbled across Onzie I fell in love with a lot of their clothing. They were wonderful enough to work with me and…