Disclosure: This blog post is compensated and is in collaboration with Latina Bloggers Connect and the California Milk Advisory Board. Today was the last day of public school here and tonight many of the kids will be graduating. None of mine are of course but we have friends who have kids walking across that stage…
PortaPocket Perfect for Walking
One thing I discovered not too long ago is that when I am walking I need something to carry my phone and keys in. I had one of those armband things which worked great until I lost weight in arms and now even as tight as it will go I have to keep my elbow…
The Haunting of M.E. by: Brenda L. Murray
The Haunting of M.E is a bit different from most books I read. It is about fourteen year-old Mary Elizabeth (M.E.) who wanders off from her family during a camping trip one weekend in Ontario,Canada. Her journey takes her parts of her soul she didn’t even know existed and it ends with a very haunting…
Baby Week Day 5 Giveaway (This is For Dad!)
Welcome to Baby Week Day 5! Baby Week is a full week of great giveaways for mom, moms-to-be and even new dads! The event is hosted by mommieswithcents.com and supported by a great group of bloggers, including myself! Be sure to check back each day for a new giveaway! I am so thrilled to be…
IndieFlix presents Finding Kind {Review and Giveaway}
Independent films really don’t get the attention they deserve if you think about it. IndieFlix however is on a mission to change that by providing a subscription-based online service. This service will allow you to watch thousands of independent films. IndieFlix provided me with a free 3 month subscription so I could review the service…
BYOU Magazine for Girls Review
BYOU (Be Your Own You) Magazine for Girls is a magazine published by Heartlight Girls Publications, LLC that helps build self-esteem in fun and empowering ways for girls ages 7-15. While BYOU Magazine does have articles about celebrity role models it is not your everyday ordinary teen magazine.
Shaklee 180 Month 3 Video {#ShakleeBlogger #Shaklee180}
So here it is, the Shaklee 180 Month 3 Video and I am much more comfortable than I was before. Next month you will notice an even bigger difference as I am finally getting a better camera that will allow me to take better videos fingers crossed.) Also remember that this is a sponsored post…
Baby Week Day 4 Giveaway
Welcome to Baby Week Day 4! Baby Week is a full week of great giveaways for mom, moms-to-be and even new dads! The event is hosted by mommieswithcents.com and supported by a great group of bloggers, including myself! Be sure to check back each day for a new giveaway! I am so thrilled to be…
Loving Me! {#ShakleeBlogger #Shaklee180}
This is a sponsored post as part of the Shaklee Corporation blogger program. I have received free products, online support and incentives for participating in the Shaklee Corporation blogger program All opinions are my own. I am also a Shaklee Independent Distributor. This month has been full of ups and downs. It is funny that…
Baby Week Day 3 Giveaway
Welcome to Baby Week Day 3! If you remember Baby Week is a full week of great giveaways for mom, moms-to-be and even new dads! The event is hosted by mommieswithcents.com and supported by a great group of bloggers, including myself! Be sure to check back each day for a new giveaway!