Have you ever had moments where you totally felt that way? That is how I have felt this week. There is so much that I am now behind in and so much that I really need to get done. The problem is there were several issues over the course of the last couple of weeks…
Cascade Ice is Perfect When Watching Calories {Giveaway}
I have working really hard at getting healthier and losing weight which means cutting calories. The thing is that finding foods and drinks that are lower in calories but taste great can be an issue. Cascade Ice helps me in that department. Cascade Ice is sparkling water that is available in 3 categories (Zero Calorie Sparkling Water, Zero Calorie Organic Sparkling Water, and Sparkling Cocktail mixers) and…
The Facts About RSV {#RSVProtection}
Did you know that 82% of U.S. children ages 6 weeks to 6 years spend some time in child care? I am not criticizing anyone who uses child care but instead what to make you aware of RSV which is a serious infection. Almost every baby will contract RSV by age 2 but only 1/3 of mothers…
Cross-Cultural Storytelling
I’ve been fascinated for years with cultural differences and the differing worldviews of the many people I’ve had the privilege of getting to know in Asia. When I first came to Asia as an inexperienced, meat and potatoes, rice-hating American (if you can believe that, how did I even survive those years?), I was thrown headlong, full…
Interview with Author Gordon Osmond
What is your current book and tell us a little about it? Slipping on Stardust A contemporary novel about how the arrival of a movie star in a small town produces scandal, seduction, kidnapping (with a suicide demanded as ransom) and other crimes. How did you come up with the title? After rejecting two previous…
Wintertime Activities
With winter in full swing many of us are experiencing a big case of winter ‘blahs’ there are a few things that we can do, however to step out of the blue zone and cheer ourselves up. Plan, plan, and do: Sometimes having something to look forward to might be just what the doctor ordered for…
The Ultimate Mobile Mom Giveaway Event
Welcome to the Ultimate Mobile Mom Giveaway sponsored by MobileMom.com, Rakuten.com Shopping, Snugli, and Britax! I am so thrilled to be a part of this great event! Before we get to the giveaway I want to introduce to you MobileMom.com! Mobile Mom is a collection of apps for your smartphone that provide pregnancy info on…
5 Things You Should Know Before Trying to Fix Your Computer
How many times have you thought you could fix your own computer? I mean who really wants to pay out all that money when you can take a little time and fix it yourself. After all you fixed the leaky pipe last year and it hasn’t leaked a drop of water since then right? Well…
30 Days of Me: Day 30
Day 30 — A photo that makes you happy. This was really a hard one for me because there are so many pictures that make me happy. So I searched and found one on Flickr of the one thing that really makes me smile when I see them. SUNFLOWERS!! I don’t want it is about…
30 Days of Me: Day 29
Day 29 — Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days. Where do I even start. I have one very personal hope and dream for this year that I won’t share but it is my biggest. Other than that my hopes and dreams are to take this little blog and make into to something spectacular,…