Her is a look at The Bible’ s Official movie trailer for you! THE BIBLE is an epic 10-hour television series produced by Roma Downey (Touched By an Angel) and Mark Burnett (The Voice, Survivor, Shark Tank, Celebrity Apprentice) premiering on 3/3/13 on History Channel, and Blu-ray and DVD soon after. Downey plays Mother Mary and Emmy-winner Keith David provides voice-overs throughout. Oscar- and Grammy-award winning composer Hans Zimmer created the musical score to the…
Beautiful Creature Movie Premiere Front of the Line Giveaway
You may remember that I posted about the Beautiful Creatures Movie Premiere Party the other day. If not here is that info again: The BEAUTIFUL CREATURES Movie Preview Party on Wednesday, January 23 at Barnes & Noble Perimeter is only getting more fun! Not only will Zoey Deutch (Emily) and Thomas Mann (Link) be there…
Bring On the Romance { 2 Day Hotel Stay Valentine’s Giveaway}
Valentine’s Day is approaching fast and millions of people will be romancing one another more than they do any other day of the year. I am lucky in that I have an amazing hubby who romances me everyday even when he is far away. Romance is something that we have to work hard at and when you…
5 Soy Recipes I Want to Try (#SoyParaSoy #Spon)
I recently told you all how soybean oil is not only one of the versatile ingredients you can use but that nearly all oil labeled vegetable is actually soybean oil! Isn’t that crazy? I didn’t believe it at first either but I checked my oil and there it was in black and white. I also made a point of checking when I was in the grocery store…
Should Have Just Called Roto-Rooter Plumbing & Drain Service
If you have been following me on Facebook you know that I have a slab leak at my house. This has been simply a rough month because of this crazy leak. So what is a girl to do? Well she pulls out the phone book and finds a plumber to come and check it all out. Does she call…
Celebrating Reyes Magos with #Net10Latino
Until I met my hubby I never celebrated Three Kings Day, or Reyes Magos, which took place on January 6th. The idea of the day is that kids are usually given gifts in honor of the three kings that brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh for the sweet Baby Jesus. There are a lot of Mexican traditions…
30 Days of Me: Day 17
Day 17 — 10 things about you people don’t really expect. okay this is both hard and easy so I will start with the things that are fairly easy and go from there. As I am working on this list I am finding it harder and harder to come up with ten things. Isn’t that…
The Crazy Weather {Canon EOS Rebel Giveaway}
We have had some super crazy weather here lately, haven’t we? I live in the South and it has been very much like summer this past week but there is a chance of snow tomorrow. Isn’t that nuts? I will admit that I miss snow something terrible and while part of me is wishing and hoping for…
Beautiful Creatures Movie Preview Party!
The BEAUTIFUL CREATURES Movie Preview Party on Wednesday, January 23 at Barnes & Noble Perimeter is only getting more fun! Not only will Zoey Deutch (Emily) and Thomas Mann (Link) be there to take photos and sign autographs with fans, but the authors of the bestselling “Beautiful Creatures” series, Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl, will now be there as well!
Finding Out the Gender of Your Baby
Boy or girl, boy or girl? You just cannot help wondering. You find yourself constantly pondering the gender of the new member of your family. You might even find you want to know the gender of your child in pregnancy.