You may remember that no too long ago I posted about the Cottonelle “Name It” Contest. The idea is that using the Cottonelle Ultra Comfort Care and Cottonelle Fresh Care Comfort Wipes “gives you a clean so fresh it needs a name.” Getting your name is easy all you have to do is use the widget below or…
A Little TLC When You Are Sick {Giveaway #KleenexSWS}
When you are sick all you really want is TLC. Growing up that usually meant chicken soup, lots of rest, and even more attention. It was great, although I always preferred my Grandma’s turkey soup to chicken. Now when someone is sick I am the caregiver which means lots of rest, homemade chicken soup, and…
Movie Review – Ice Age: Continential Drift
I have seen all of the Ice Age movies and I would have to say that this film and the original, are my two most favorite movies of the franchise. Ice Age: Continental Drift leaves off where the last movie left off (to some extent). Manny (Ray Romano) and Ellie’s (Queen Latifah) daughter Peaches (Nicki Minaj) is now a typical…
Holiday Gift Guide: Click and Grow
I am the world’s worst plant person. I don’t have a green thumb anywhere, it more like a I kill every plant that I come across thumb. I have an uncle and a cousin who are the best gardeners in the world. God bless they try to tell me what to do all the time but to be honest…
Portable North Pole Brings Santa to Your Home
Last year for my nephew Reese his parents and I found the Portable North Pole online and made a free little video. It was really cute and he was so amazed. The funny thins is my sister in-law actually emailed me asking me to do one for him this year on the day I was actually asked…
Holiday Travel Guide: Happiness Works! Get Yours Here!
What better way to spend your travel time this holiday season then reading about happiness! About the Book: This book contains insights into precisely what happiness truly is and debunks the myth that happiness is ‘different things for different people’. In this cutting edge work you will find: • A precise and useful definition of…
Jolly Holidays: Five Festive Family Vacations
For many Americans, the festive period is viewed as a time for hunkering down at home with the family. But with a 2011 survey indicating that the majority of adults across the country wouldn’t be taking summer vacations this year, perhaps it’s time to start thinking outside of the box and planning a family vacation for a…
Latest Developments In Razor Technology
There are a large number of shaving equipments available online and in local stores. Among them, razor is the shaving equipment that has seen technological advancements in recent times. Here is a list of new features that have been included in razors
Baby On The Way Cards Make Pregnancy A Joy
When you are pregnant and having a baby you go through a million different emotions and there are times when you need just a little pick me up. Well I discovered a new products that will give you just the right amount of pick up that you need just when you need it. It is…
Holiday Gift Guide: Fracture
I have discovered something that is completely different for your holiday gift giving needs. It is actually from a company called Fracture. What Fracture does is take an image or photo of yours and they print it, in vivid colors, directly onto glass. I have never seen anything like this before. I am not talking about etching your…