When I am looking for an outfit to wear to a business meeting or to a fun night out with my hubby or girlfriends I try to find inspiration on Pinterest. Here are two outfits that I love and am really working towards recreating!
Card Cubby Giveaway
Have you heard of Card Cubby? If not then let me tell you a little about them. Card Cubby is a stylish and easy way to keep up with all those gift cards, loyalty shopping cards, and more. Created by Wendy Krepak, Card Cubby is an alphabetical filing cabinet right there in your handbag. This…
Get to Know Mia Mariu with iPad 3 Giveaway
Mia Mariu is hosting a Get to Know Mia Mariu Giveaway with some pretty amazing prizes including: iPad with Wi-Fi 16GB (3rd generation), Black or White with personalized engraving on the back ($499 value) PLUS a Leather iPad Smart Cover ($69 value) Mia Mariu Cosmetic Collection valued at $100 that includes a Mia Kabuki Brush, Mineral…
Nature’s Hand Granola Review with Giveaway
We have working on eating better snacks and granola is the one item that we all love. I love it in my ice cream! A little french vanilla ice cream with granola makes me weak in the knees. I recently discovered a new granola company called Nature’s Hand and I must tell you that I…
Budget Gadgets Review with Giveaway
Finding electronic gadgets are great prices is not always easy, that is why I am thrilled that I found Budgets Gadgets. the one thing I love about Budget Gadgets s that they offer worldwide shipping for free with no minimum order. Who does not love free shipping? Budget Gadgets has all sorts of items too,…
The Wicked Wives by Gus Pelagatti
About the Book: Wicked Wives is based on the true story of the 1938 Philadelphia murder scandals in which seventeen wives were arrested for murdering their husbands. Mastermind conspirator Giorgio DiSipio, a stunning lothario and local tailor who preys upon disenchanted and unfaithful wives, convinces twelve of them to kill their spouses for insurance…
Disney’s Brave – “Will O’ the Wisps” Clip
THE LORE WILL O’ THE WISPS Travelers—particularly those who venture out after sunset on unfamiliar pathways—beware of the will o’ the wisps. It is said—though by whom is a bit of a mystery—that on certain days for certain travelers in certain parts of the world, little lights dance on the horizon, whispering tempting…
Merciful Flush by: Lance Manion
About the Book: Merciful of Flush is a collection blogs written over the past 5 years. Sometimes funny, often thought-provoking, and occasionally rude they seek to act as a catalyst for creativity. Details are kept to a minimum so the reader can fill in their own blanks and take from the stories something…
Pure Healing by Aja James
About the Book: In the world of Pure Ones, where sexual intercourse with anyone other than one’s Eternal Mate leads to a slow, painful death within thirty days, love comes with the warning label “fall at your own peril.” Rain, the Healer of this immortal race, is the only exception to the rule. In…
Spanish Word of the Week {6/25}
Until I find someone to do the voice overs (already asked hubby and he is just too busy right now) I am going back to the old method. decaer deh-cah-err’ (verb) to decline, to get weaker, to wane Examples 1. Las pequeñas empresas empezaron a decaer tras la llegada de las tiendas de departamento. Small…