Jessica Waters was looking forward to attending college in the fall with her best friend, Sandra Adams. But after Sandra disappears, mutual friend, Jason Harris becomes the number one suspect. However Jason isn’t the only suspect Sandra admitted to having an affair with her coach the night before she disappeared.. Now Jessica is determined to figure out…
I love shirts! That’s why I love Cafepress. They have so many different shirts and other items designed my so many different people. I was lucky enough to be sent this Soy Perfecta tee which is perfect for me because I am after all perfect!
Ten Good Reason To Lie About Your Age by: Stephanie Zia
Summary From Back Cover:When Sally Lightfoot’s music producer husband is suddenly killed in an accident, Sally has to put her life back together from scratch. But what life? Her kids have grown up and now she’s no longer a wife. Or a business partner and backing singer. Or even a caterer to the endless…
Witch Woman by: Jeanette Baker
From back cover;In two different centuries, four hundred years apart, the lives of Abigail March and her daughter, Maggie, play out along parallel lines, both women blessed and cursed by a selective birthright and marked with a startling mutation, heterochromia iridium, one brown eye, the other blue. In 1692 Abigail and three-year-old Maggie, are accused…
Karma and Meoldies by: Katie Salidas
<p>&amp;lt;a imageanchor=”1″ target=”_blank” href=”;amp;amp;tag=ritarevi-20&amp;amp;amp;link_code=bil&amp;amp;amp;camp=213689&amp;amp;amp;creative=392969″&amp;gt;&amp;lt;img alt=”Karma &amp;amp;amp; Melodies” src=”;amp;amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;amp;amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;amp;amp;WS=1&amp;amp;amp;Format=_SL160_&amp;amp;amp;ASIN=B004MPRVBA&amp;amp;amp;tag=ritarevi-20″&amp;gt;&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;&amp;lt;img src=”;amp;amp;l=bil&amp;amp;amp;camp=213689&amp;amp;amp;creative=392969&amp;amp;amp;o=1&amp;amp;amp;a=B004MPRVBA” alt=”” style=”border:none !important; margin:0px !important; padding: 0px !important” height=”1″ width=”1″ border=”0″&amp;gt;&amp;lt;iframe src=”;amp;amp;o=1&amp;amp;amp;p=8&amp;amp;amp;l=bpl&amp;amp;amp;asins=B004MPRVBA&amp;amp;amp;fc1=000000&amp;amp;amp;IS2=1&amp;amp;amp;lt1=_blank&amp;amp;amp;m=amazon&amp;amp;amp;lc1=0000FF&amp;amp;amp;bc1=000000&amp;amp;amp;bg1=FFFFFF&amp;amp;amp;f=ifr” style=”align:left;padding-top:5px;width:131px;height:245px;padding-right:10px;” marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no” align=”left”&amp;gt;</p> The music scene was always Kendra’s passion; it was when she was visiting her favorite hangout that she first met her Master, the vampire that turned and now…
Spring Into Summer : Get Buttoned Up
Summer is as good as time as any to get yourself organized. If you are not then or don’t know where to start then have I got the place for you. start with Get Buttoned Up.
As you all know I am going green! I have switched from using plastic grocery sacks. That is why I am dying to tell you all about Envirosax. They have taken reusable bags to the next level. I received a Cherry Lane No 5 Bag that is so super adorable. It’s a designer reusable bag!…
Spring Into Summer Giveaway Event: 3 Gifts Bags to Give Away {CLOSED}
As part of my Spring Into Summer Giveaway Event I have 3 gift bags to give away. Each bag is filled with various items from sponsors. More items will be added as the event progresses (due to recent storms some items haven’t arrived as of yet.) Please note links are to reviews of each company….
Spring Into Summer Giveaway Event: is one of the great sponsors for my Spring into Summer Giveaway Event. I received two shirts from them and Simon, my contact, was wonderful. He had me measure myself to be sure that my shirt fit. You don’t get that kind of service often. I received 2 shirts from The first was…
Spring Into Summer Giveawy Event Sponsors
My Spring into Summer Event would be nothing without all of these wonderful sponsors! Please take the time to visit my reviews to learn more more them and connect with them.