I have always been the road less traveled kind of girl. For whatever reason the easy road just never seemed to appeal to me. Maybe because of the word easy and I was never one to do anything easy. I am an OCD overachiever who seems to thrive on the stressful and difficult. If things were easy in my life I don’t think I would survive it. While this road in life has been more of a challenge I must say there are things that I would not have missed for the world.
I have accepted things into my life that many people wouldn’t. For example I have step children who are amazing and while they are easily acceptable my own children are adopted by me and the result of my husband’s affair. That was, at first, a hard pill to swallow. Then I decided that maybe this was God’s way I could have children and the only way. So I accepted it, even when everyone told me I was crazy. I now accept single parenthood and while it is a challenge I am finding that I am getting pretty good at it.
What I have learned down the road less traveled is that I haven’t accepted things so much as made the choice to take the harder path. That path has made me stronger and better with each fallen tree I have had to stumble over, each rut in the road I had to jump.
Bravo Rita!!! What a wonderful way to look at the things you have over come. Those children are 110% yours. You may not have given birth but they are yours because you are the one who is there day in and day out! I wouldn’t give a flying fig what anyone else had to say. You are doing what’s right for you!
Thanks Tammy! I don’t really care what anyone says anymore. I have comes to terms with my life and where I am heading and am okay with that.
I have always gone by the quotes: “Do not go where the path may lead, go where there is no path and leave a trail”. I love this quote so much. When you make your own path, you will travel ruff edges, sometimes smooth, sometimes uphill, sometimes you will fall hard, but each one makes you who you are. And I think we teach ourselves through the pain. Your own path determines your strengths.
I love that quote! I have never heard it before.
This Robert Frost poem has always been a favorite of mine. I too have taken the path less traveled. I was a single parent until my daughter turned 13. It certainly wasn’t an easy road but God brought me through it he always does.
He does always bring us through sometimes not the way we had planned but in his own way.
There’s nothing wrong with what you are doing Rita, you amaze me and others. It’s how we feel and not what it looks like to others, we have to make ourselves happy..good for you
Thank you so much. I am working harder at making myself happy and of course my children.
I’ve always related to this quote. It takes strength and incredible courage to take the difficult road. My mom had a tendency towards negative thinking and would often bemoan her luck when things went wrong. I have tried to see challenges as opportunities: if this bad thing hadn’t happened, this good thing wouldn’t have been possible. It truly does make all the difference.
I have always been the silver lining girl! That there is something good in everything and it has made me a happier person.
i have always been that way too. i don’t always like taking the normal route and like to experience new and different things as much as possible.
It makes life more interesting doesn’t it?