Do you find yourself dragging yourself out of bed every morning? Are you always sluggish and lethargic? Or perhaps you feel that you are always coming down with something? Here are some things you can do if you are always feeling sick and tired.
Health & Wellness
3 Reasons Stress is Harmful to Your Health
Stress can bring the most powerful men and women to their knees on any given day. The external reactions of a friend, family member, coworker, or even yourself, can be quite noticeable when experiencing a stressful event. But, the internal damages to your well-being may lie far enough below the surface that they often go…
New Nurses: A Guide to Working Overnight
As a healthcare professional, you know better than any that working overnight can be really tough for your health. Those who shift their sleep patterns like this tend to experience more illnesses and may even have a shorter life expectancy than others – so it’s really no wonder that we dread those graveyard shifts so…
11 Major Health Hazards Hidden Around Your Home
Your home is meant to be a sanctuary for you and your family, but, unfortunately, due to the many health hazards hidden around the house, this is often not the case. Many people assume that most household dangers are obvious and out in the open, like your oven and kitchen knives, but these sneaky risks…
b+b Pain Relief
How many times have you been out and about and needed something for a headache? This happens to me a lot and I will share with you in a bit a few of the bottles that I have to sift through in my bag. I always carry some sort of pain relief with me. I…
Getting Fit? Don’t Fall For These Four Scams
5.1 million U.S. consumers were victims of weight-loss scams in 2011, the Federal Trade Commission reports. The next biggest scam was prize promotions, deceiving just 2.4 million in comparison. People want to lose weight and quick-fix solutions are too good to pass up. Most of us have tried out some form of fitness miracle promising us our…
Things Every Free-Spirited Mom-To-Be Should Consider
Source: Pixabay You’re an easygoing, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants nonconformist, and you just found out you’re pregnant. There’s so much exciting stuff headed your way, and while your disregard for societal norms will help you navigate the process with happiness and grace, there are a few places where planning and toeing the line is important to keep you…
3 Health Issues You Shouldn’t Ignore
Do you think, if asked right now, you could pinpoint the moment in your life when health issues started effecting, and in turn, evolving into a part of your everyday life? Maybe you were 23 years old when you realized that pepperoni pizza fought back (as well as your mom’s amazing spaghetti and meatballs). No?…
Top Ten Personal Injury Claim Tips
There is nothing worse than being injured in an accident, at least until it’s time to file a claim. That can be a nightmare all unto itself. There is so much paperwork and heaven help you if you fill one out wrong or forget to check a dang box. Here are ten of my tips…
Family Weight Loss Tips: Workout Ideas for Bonding and Fun
Exercising as a family does not only help you lose weight faster and helps to stick with your workout plan. A study available at BioMed Central shows that regular group workouts improve one’s health on multiple levels, including mental. And researchers from the University of Illinois also determined that spending time outdoors improves family bonding,…