I wrote this post originally on A Lucky Grace but after moving those posts and going through I decided this was better over here. I expanded on it and hope that you enjoy it. We all know there are things and people that we just can’t live without. I mean we need oxygen, I need my family, etc. however there are a few things that I don’t know what I would do if I was forced to give them up. So here is my list of 5 things I just can’t live without.

I would be lost without books. I would, I would gladly give up television as long as I could have books to read. I’m the girl that always has some sort of book in her bag. Whether it is my kindle, iPad or actual book one (sometimes more) are always there. I barely watch television. Reading for more is just more entertaining than television. Although I do enjoy movies and plenty of shows I reach for a book most of the time. I can also rad and watch television at the same time. On top of all of that if you see me somewhere and I’m reading, chances are you are never going to get me to talk. I can easily tune everything and everyone out while I am reading. My mother will talk to me for thirty minutes before she will ask me if I am listening to her. I never heard a word she is saying. I do listen to the kids when they are talking to me and I can tell when they are fighting or get hurt. That is the mother’s intuition in me.
Toilet Paper
This one sounds weird but as someone who uses a roll a day I don’t know what I would do. I mean I carry a roll in my car always. I don’t want to be out in the woods or something and not have any. That would just be so wrong. That is the one reason I couldn’t be like Claire and go through the stones. Scotland didn’t have toilet paper back then. Just no! Of course I just read a book where they had a poop rope and yes it is as bad as it sounds. I couldn’t do that either! Toilet paper is one of the best inventions ever if you ask me. Like I want to kiss the guy (or gal) that decided we needed that in the world.
Being as I can’t read without these puppies, I sort of need them. I’m the crazy old lady that has a pair of glasses everywhere. I have a pair at my desk, a pair next tot he bed, a pair in the car, another pair in my purse. I’m pretty sure I paid for my ophthalmologist’s vacation for the last two years. I actually need to go and get new pairs along with a new eye exam. I’m starting to have an even harder time seeing the words on the pages anymore. We certainly can’t have that now can we?
I write in my journal every day. It’s not always anything huge but I jot down my feelings, what is going on, etc. All the little things about my day. It makes me feel a little more connected and not so out of touch with myself. I complain in there a lot but it’s the place I can do that. I also write down things I would never share with anyone other than my therapist. I keep two journals. One is my work journal that I use to write down notes from meetings, conversations, and things that went on for that day. It’s a good practice and I can refer back to it whenever I need it. The other is my personal journal.
I admit that this is a weird one but when I started going I wasn’t in a good place. This has allowed me to get better in my own mind. I can deal with my depression as well as all of the other things. If I didn’t have my therapy as my sounding board I would go insane. For me it is the place that i can just spew all of the things in my head without judgement. Even when those thoughts or feelings have been bottled up for weeks.
What are the 5 things that you can’t live without? Let us know in the comments below.
Books, toilet paper, cigarettes, Valium and Cherry Coke. (Yeah, I know….I’m a health nut!) 🙂