Babies spend such a huge part of their day sleeping, shouldn’t the surface they sleep on be safe for them? Unfortunately most conventional mattresses are loaded with toxic fire retardants and other chemicals, especially those that are imported, according to this test by Chicago Tribune. Doesn’t that just disturb you? It did me when I…
Keeping Things Clean with Gojo Purell Products {Thanks Shoplet!}
Keeping everything clean and sanitized is very important especially during the flu season. In an effort to keep everyone’s a little safer and a little cleaner I have been making sure our home is stocked with all the necessary products. Well thanks to the wonderful people at Shoplet (who has the best office products) I can easily get all the products I…
Wacky Stories for Women Volumes 2, 3 and 4 by: John Smith
About the Books: Each volume is a collection of short stories that have some very surprising twists at the end. things that you never really see coming which makes for an interesting read. I really liked that all of the stories were rather short and that the entire book could be read in a small…
Win a Blu-ray copy of Atlas Shrugged Part II
On Feb. 19 Take Part in the Next Chapter of Ayn Rand’s Thrilling Story! !I have seen Part 1 and can’t wait to see Part 2!) Win a Blu-ray copy of Atlas Shrugged Part II Part two of Ayn Rand’s groundbreaking novel comes to the screen in this thrilling and powerful drama.
Meal Planning Monday: Getting Started
I have been reading and wanting to begin meal planning and freezing for a while now. I want to not only make things easier for me and my family but also eat better. There are many times when I am simply too busy to cook a good meal. If I do things ahead of time…
To Upgrade or Not: That is the Question
Does this ever happen to you: You are right in the middle of watching a video online only to lose your connection or it take forever because your internet speed is so slow? It happens a lot at my house especially since we have so many different devices that connects to the internet.
KaBoom!’s Playground Love Contest
KaBoom! is one of those organizations that I can really get behind. They are a national nonprofit whose mission is to create great playspaces by providing a place to play within walking distance of every child in America. Is that just not a great reason to donate? I think this is such a great organization. We actually have…
Noteboard Keeps Me on Track
As a busy woman I am always on the look out for things that help make my life a little easier. As a blogger finding those items can be a bit difficult because truthfully what works for one blogger doesn’t always work for another. For example I have a hard time keep track of what products are…
Your Kid’s First Car
Almost every teenager is anxious to get his or her first car. As a parent, you should help your kid buying it because of not one, but many reasons. Since teenagers don’t have much experience to avoid accidents, finding the right car for your teen means that you need to be extra careful about safety.
Refashioning Our Way to Fly
Private jet flight sounds like a luxury reserved to presidents, football stars and Donald Trump. But the way we fly is evolving, and as in the 1920’s commercial flying was a luxury dream, the future seems to have in store for us the democratisation of private jet charter.