Lighting is one of the mos important aspects of any home. I mean can you imagine your house without it? Since I have been working on redoing the house I thought I would look at some new lighting as well. Our living room only has the lights on the ceiling fan and that is it. Above the…
DRIVERfighter {Review and Giveaway}
How often do you update the drivers on your computer? If you are like me you probably do whenever you get a new computer because you simply don’t think about those sort of things (unless you a computer geek.) My poor computer has had a few issues and to be honest I thought that when I got…
ABC’s Once Upon a Time Giveaway,Party,Season 2.. {Oh Joy!!!}
I am so excited about ABC’s Once Upon a Time Season 2 beginning Sunday the 30th {check your local listings.} If you have not watched this show yet I highly recommend it. I actually got hooked when I walked in a found my mom watching an episode from a Season 1 marathon. I was confused and then…
Staying Home and Staying You by: Cynthia Van Romondt-Mason
About the Book: {Taken from back cover} More than ever, the decision stay home with our children is a tough one for any woman to make. Even after we’ve made this choice, we can be faced with quite a dilemma.The mother in is may recognize staying home as the most wonderful decision we’ve ever made, but the…
MyEyeglassCase | Review & Giveaway
I wear reading glasses and have sunglasses and of course I am always losing them or needing them and not having them with me. There are plenty of times when I forget them because I only needed to take my cellphone and keys, this is especially true when I am at the pool or when…
How many times do you need something on your shoulders when it rains? I hate when my purse gets wet because for whatever reason I didn’t manage to hold the umbrella over it as well and cloth purses suck when they get wet. Doesn’t that make me sound crazy? It is the truth though. RAINRAPS…
Money-Saving DIY Methods for Preventing Bed Bugs in Your Home
Once a bed bug infestation has occurred in a residence it can be very difficult, and costly, to remove. In many cases, complete eradication will require hiring a professional exterminator, but that can be extremely expensive. The best way to avoid paying that kind of money is to take steps to prevent bed bugs from…
Oh Yeah! This is Me….
I recently read this article about blogging successfully and discovered that while I do to do all of the things on the list I do several of them and it has begun to show lately. I feel so simply worn out and tired and there always seem to be a million things to do, that I want…
No Diet Food Thanks to Healthy Choice
Don’t you just hate diet food? I do, it never taste good and who in the world has the time to count calories or anything like that with all the other million things to do. Well Healthy Choice has your back (or at least your big booty) covered. They have pasta along with other entrees but did…
D-Link Makes All The Gadgets Work! {Review with Giveaway}
Every gadget there is uses the internet now and I mean everything. In our home we have the computer, the phones, the D-Link MovieNite Plus, the printer, and I am sure there is one or two that I am forgetting. The problem is that when you are attempting to use all those gadgets on one…